Creature Clothes Dog Collars
Established in 1999, Creature Clothes have been hand crafting our leather dog collars for over 21 years. From the very first collar that we made – in black leather with silver star studs, to the latest vegan fabric designs, we have a collar for everyone.
For the teeny tiniest of puppies (our size 0), to mini breeds like Yorkies (size 1), Jack Russells (size 2), Pugs and Frenchies (size 3), Spaniels (size 4), Labradors (size 5) to the mightiest of big dogs, the Great Dane (size 6), we can even make bespoke sizes if needed.
Embossed, foiled, stamped, studded with hearts, stars or bones… machine washable vegan fabric or sophisticatedly unadorned. check out the whole range and see which collar best suits your pup.
Creature Clothes Sale
We love collaborating on collections of bespoke ranges for our clients,
Take a look at past and present commissions here.